Idol Setup to maximize gold gains?
There is an insane bug with rogue exile idols that allows for 4 times the power you would get compared to normal.
What's your idol/atlas strat in phrecia?
And the best part: They're going to be choosable in upcoming private leagues as well!
19 Ascendancies, huge diversity!
Twitter update - Cloak of Flame ascendancy now applies to phys DOT
Do your part to help retain Wraeclast's fishing secrets by keeping all fishing rods and Angler's Plaits off the market. Join the NLS today!
A Message From Justin Time For The Factions
Any animate weapon build ideas out there?
By the muscular golden arse of innocence! I HAVE THE POWER!
PROs help me find a build (Blind Prophet)
krangle tree in phrecia event?
Check out another four Ascendancies from the Legacy of Phrecia event!
Will the Phrecia event be based in Settlers? I kind of hope it isn't because rebuilding the town is going to take time away from trying all the new ascendancies.
Dps tier list
Bulgaria is to get a new government voted in on Thursday, here's what to expect (in comments)
Ba sunt eu rasist sau...
Să le zică cineva că roditorii au făcut asta?:))
Exit-poll CURS. Rezultate alegeri parlamentare, ora 21:00.
Ați fost vreodată întrebat cu cine ați votat (exit-poll)?
Houston we have a problem
Felicitari tampitilor cu partidele voastre miniatura
CNA: Realitatea TV – amenzi de 150.000 de lei. Dezinformare şi afirmaţii homofobe în emisiunea ‘Culisele Statului Paralel’