Why are women less likely to be creeps or assault younger men but men are always if not all 80 percent of them are creeps that try to follow drunk girls home??
Is the diversity in modern Turkish appearance today due to the early Turkish sultans marrying European women, mixing Turkic and European genes, and the mass migration of Muslims from all over the world and basically anyone that converted to Islam just assimilated into the culture during that era ?
Is diversity in modern Turkish appearance today due to the early Turkish sultans marrying European women, mixing Turkic and European genes, and the mass migration of Muslims from all over the world and basically anyone regardless of ethnicity that converted to Islam just assimilated into the culture
If white supremist hate anyone who isn’t white why don’t they go back to the old pagan religions that originated in Europe? Do they not realise that Christianity is also a foreign religion from the Middle East and that Jesus was a brown man from that didn’t speak English ?
If white supremist hate anyone who isn’t white why don’t they go back to their old pagan gods and religions that originated in Europe? Do they not realise that Christianity is also a foreign religion from the Middle East and that Jesus was a brown man that didn’t speak English ?
Is plov a Russian dish or Middle Eastern dish I recently came across a debate of some Russian people saying plov is Russian cuisine while some saying it’s not traditionally Russian I was just wondering if it’s widely eaten by traditional Russians or not??
Is plov a Ukrainian dish I’ve heard it’s very popular in Ukraine and that region in general is it true are all these just rumours
If women had been the primary warriors, and empire-builders throughout history—like the Vikings or other historical conquerors and men were the physically weaker and more subjugated gender, would that have meant sexual violence and rape against male captives and slaves would not have occurred?
How did kings and soldiers wearing heavy armor during wars handle sudden bathroom emergencies? Were there any historical accounts of how they dealt with this situation on the battlefield?
“In an alternate universe and an Viking era where women had the same physical strength they do now but men were born weaker, would that have meant no rapes and sexual violence or harm against men and children after defeating female warriors from the opposing side?
“In an alternate universe where men would have been born physically weaker than women from the beginning of time how different would the conquests and invasions have been would that have meant no rapes or sexual harm against men and children after defeating female warriors from the opposing side?
How different do you think our history and the world would have been in an alternate universe where the women were genetically the same as they are now, with the same physical strength and everything while men were born weaker?
How different do you think our history and the world would have been in an alternate universe where the women were genetically the same as they are now, with the same physical strength and everything while men were born weaker? Please read below as well for further information about this scenario
[SPOILERS]Why did Floki admire the worhip of the muslims and spared their lives in season 4?
[No Spoilers] Floki protects Muslims from being massacred inside the mosque ( vikings S4E16)
Is it true that the reason so many Turks have Greek features is because Historically, many Greeks who converted to Islam relocated to Turkey, assimilated into Ottoman culture, and many were exchanged for Christian Turks being sent to Christian countries?
Is it true that the reason many Turks have Greek features is because Greeks who converted to Islam were sent to Turkey and exchanged for Christian Turks?
“Is it true that the reason many Turks have Greek features is because Greeks who converted to Islam were sent to Turkey and exchanged for Christian Turks?”