Wah wah
The Green Siblings, by @bearwithegg
been laughing at this for an hour
I Think Immortal deserves all the hate (actually we should slander him more)
So he can solo an invincible variant, but doesn't help against conquest? Sounds like fraud behavior to me.
Shadow sleeping with Maria chibi
"more tea, lord whitley?" (just pretend the hound has a blue shade of colour)
Sonic Zombies is a cinematic work of art 😂
Why didn’t Aegon choose Aemond as Hand of the King and instead chose Criston Cole?
If the Chaotix were to get their own show on Paramount or be the subject of a Knuckles season 2, how would you want them to be written and who would you want to voice them? (art by JoeAdok)
So, why do male Mozzarina produce milk?
Invincible writers should hire me
As Hodor he explored the caves.
I jus FUCKED this new character I found, she says that I am the best she ever had. What is the name of this beautiful woman I now have?!?!
I…uh…I need her to hit me
I refuse to use the twink elf art for Daeron
Jesus Christ, Guy
No fallout 5, yet we get starfield?
If you could give an extra phase to any of the main bosses, who would you give it to, why, and what would it be?
Im convinced everyone who voted Sang-woo is under the age of 12
What's Your Least Favorite Moment In Every Volume?
How each girl responds to the question. 38 days remain.
Safety precautions are for sissies.