A major studio has chosen you to produce a reboot of any movie, with an ensemble cast featuring the greatest actors in history. What is the WORST movie you could choose, to completely waste everyone’s talent?
Title: Hayden Christensen as God Emperor Doom – A Perfect Choice?
Reasons why it must suck to be a Klingon
If Indiana Jones had a rainbow clown wig and a pool noodle instead of a cowboy hat and a whip, would he still be cool?
Do Aliens exist?
Do you shake if that does or hand won't with how it is if you were?
If we have no problem using microchips for our pets, why don't we microchip our children at birth?
Not much else to say about it, but still quite stupid
If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
UHF with the famous Weird Al Yakovic. Still one of my favorite.
Does anyone else’s mind go blank when someone asks about your experiences ?
If you sleep with your doppelganger, does it become your doppelbanger
Where do you see Sisko if Wolf 359 never happened?
What is something that everyone knows but no one says?
Is it a bad idea to ask Chatgpt questions about what may have went wrong with a friendship/situationship/relationship? Do you think it would not give appropriate advice?
Why don’t humans have fur or tails?
There are only 239 beans in Irish bean soup because 1 more would make it… too farty!
What are your favorite things about life?
Why do we have a rib cage to protect our lungs but not an abdominal cage to protect our guts?
What's that one small thing that ruins your day?
Understanding that BMI is a reasonable medical predictor of disease burden, why don’t insurance companies offer discounts for maintaining a healthy BMI?
Why don't the wealthy use more of their excess resources to alleviate some of the issues in this country (hunger, homelessness, etc.)?
On the fence about adopting a Husky
If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who'd you pick?
I don’t want to live past 50. Why should I change my mind?