does anyone have that pic of sematary performing and giving a goofy ass smile?
I just want someone to eat me out while I’m reading a book sighhhh
Enough time has passed, the first half or the second half????
How many songs are on your *condensed* playlist? Clearly there’s some filler on it tbh
What would you replace with the pretzels in Munchies? (Frito-Lay products only)
Does anyone else agree this is the best era of Suave? (The singles between Sexually Active and HMWYL)
This is the best hype song on the album imo
Akademiks got one song right a year and a half ago
K Suave type beat on music?
PST 3 Hours
12 pm pst FUCK
What is your favourite go to 80s song?
Yb dissing durk in new leak
Are Ken’s lyrics corny?
What are the best family-friendly neighborhoods in Jacksonville, FL with good schools?
This is def one of the top 10 yeat songs oat 🐐🐐
Why are people’s reactions to grief so surface level?
Since it's women's day so Who is a Woman of substance for you or how would you like to define it?
What are these plants my dad got
[Highlight] Steph Castle catches a body on the putback dunk
Local shop
Who's that in the orange hoodie?
🧢 or no 🧢
Hockey season is over but we still have practices what should we do in those practices? Looking to have a little fun after a hard fought season u16 A?
Bid13- storage unit next to mine in lien and going up soon