I think it's not that long
H:EN06 no load W:you with auto axe
H:sword W:unstoppables 4
H:Excavator jet pack torso W:Sunshine oil
H:sword W:sunshine oil
H:Leaders W:sunshine oil
H:sword W:melee bobbles
H: 2 reflective W:40 Grognak the barbarian 1
H:Fuel W:Grognak the barbarian 1 (5000:1)
H:sword W: 30 Grognak the barbarian 1
H: 200 leaders W:Grognak the barbarian 1 mags
XB1] H: 25 Leader Bobbles W: Private World or Help Transfering Items
H:20 Leaders W:40 grognak the barbarian 1
H:TSEFMS 419 Dragon W:Leaders
H: Offers W: Liquid Courage, Nuka Cola Quantum and Overdrive
H:2 reflective W:Grognak the barbarian 1
H:Caps W:Gorgnak the barbarian 1 (750:1)
H:caps W:sugar bombs 500c ea
H:caps W:brain bombs 1k ea
2k Atoms Giveaway (Xbox, Playstation & PC)
H:Reflective mods W:steel, glass,circuitry,wood,aluminum
H: caps some mods and leaders W: 5 limit braking
H:friend W: leaders
H: 100 leaders W: 2 stinging core plans