Toon force deniers after I show them uncle grandpa
Name a trio to beat these 3
Literally the only one
Unpopular opinion but alien x loses to just about every other reality warper in an actual fight
Atom Eve this entire season
Who wins?
Do you think that the Seven are an accurate depiction of how superheroes would be irl?
Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
Please give me good recommendations based on everything I have ever watched.
All out 6v6 which super team wins in a fight?
Kings of prep time: Dr Doom and Batman. Who wins if both have 1 month?
I have no clues
What my Top 5 says about me
What does my top 5 say about me
How strong do you think is Femto?
Looking for anime recommendations of any kind.
Which version of Goku can the Big 3 beat?
What team saves you from Superman, Thor and Hulk
Teen titans go was unironically funny when the episode wasn’t one of the writers poorly disguised fetishes
Drop your hottest powerscaling takes and I'll rate them
Found on Facebook a binder and asked for a pic specifically of this LMK
What's a Monster hot take that you have that'll get you like this ?
Send a funny pic of your cat and I'll sketch it quickly!