What's an album you constantly revisit and you still aren't sick of it?
Black Sabbath - War Pigs [Rock]
What is your favorite 80s song?
What’s actually more dangerous than people realize?
What song(s) make you feel nostalgic?
What video game(s) do you never get tired of playing?
what song would you play if the world was ending?
How was 2024 for you?
What is your best procrastination story?
What is your favorite mode in Terraria?
What was the best/worst professor you had?
Day 19 of best albums for each letter (S):
Do you dip your fries in mayonnaise?
Have you ever cheered/clapped in a movie theater?
Do you prefer eating your sandwich with or without the crust?
What are some of the best 2010s songs in your opinion?
Which form of entertainment WYR give up permanently?
Is there a movie you would give a 10/10 to?
Hot Cheetos or Takis: Which one is better?
Have you ever seen a tornado in person?
Would you rather go to jail for life without parole or be homeless for 10 years?
Do you consider “irregardless” a real word?
Would you rather be deaf and have no arms or be blind and have no legs?
Which grammar mistake annoys you the most?
What is the best R&B song in your opinion?