5 Thousand short MSTR
Daily Discussion Thread for November 25, 2024
[s2 act 3 spoilers] The true winner in this situation
Watched the first episode of S4 and felt it was off
Normal gym bro distribution
If I was a boss I would hate me
Why was Igon not enthralled?
Carian Slicer shreds Messmer. Probably the quickest fight of the DLC. Stats at the end.
Playing around with no target lock on Commander Gaius
The Carian Sword Sorcerer experience in the Land of Shadow
You have to be creative about how you find time to flask in DLC boss fights
Hello there
This fight just looks and feels really cool
The only way I can flask without getting jumped on
Most parryable boss since Crucible Knight
What are my chances?
Unpopular Opinion
Vanishing item
Scrying eye help
Blindness is op
Feling lost bg3
Auntie Ethel First Dialogue — Did I Screw Up Already?
Is the game bad at narratively justifying side quests?
Why hasn't Volo- a human- kicked the bucket in the century since BG2?