What would you choose?
Best performance batch for both these pair???
15 yo, parents complain it’s too long and messy
I went through GERD surgery and it didn't help me.
I’d do anything to get my hands on these
Why did i get this email?
Anyone played in AFD 10s?
(21) to (22) Weight loss, skincare, grooming, sleep, diet, gym, therapy
What is the hardest part of being a clohting brand owner according to you?
I adopted a tuxedo cat from my friend and this is my first time to have this type of cat. Usually most of my cats are ginger but anyways I couldn't think a name that would relate to his face.
I bought these Timberlands from Footlocker and they do not work properly. Of course I wore them already because I noticed it first while walking in rain. I wore them, but they are defective, can I still return them?
Wait really?
If you had the opportunity to get any sb dunk low under 500$ what pair would it be
Does this hairstyle still suit me even though I’m balding? Be brutally honest
Grail Acquired!!
Before & after haircut. Was this a good move? I feel like a different person
22, Am I Cooked
Can I pull off this buzzcut?
I don't know what looks better lol
What style hair suits me the best?
I think I already know the answer.
For me it’s 9 or 10