Not really Kanye related , but still kinda related i guess . Decided to make a HIghs And Lows edit with D.Rose. What you think of it ?
i think ye just wanted to drop anything right after carti to "steal" the spotlight (he failed)
Bully and Donda 2
Video now labeled as “BULLY V1”
He dropped the November version of Bully
Title track changed
Highs and lows sounds.... different (also no melrose)
it’s the same exact video from twitter
comment on a video of the song "close to you/white lines" from the album BULLY
Remember God
are we sure “dark matter” is even on BULLY?
Fuck Adin Ross
Why was the we don’t care song not on bully? Crossing my fingers it’s on v2
A little rant about bully/ye's creative process
i just realized how highs and lows is about kanye’s fans.
Be honest, who did the sample better (answer better be obvious)
i just realized how highs and lows is about kanye’s fans. “highs and lows” how his fans have been with him at his lowest (now) and his highest “still you never let me go,” he still has a large fanbase despite all he’s put his fans through.
negative nancy here coming here to say i love you all but ur all delusional and deaf talking about u like this album and its vision, DID WE LISTEN TO THE SAME ALBUM????????
Beyoncé and Jay-Z are ‘discussing’ taking legal action against Kanye West following his comments about their children on social media.
Bully doesn’t need features
Highs And Lows...
"Bully just dropped and no one cared"
Aura points