Cheaters making this game unplayable
Do you prefer a shower or a bathtub?
I just opened up your fridge cause i’m thirsty, whats there to drink?
Attractive Redditors, what's the reason you're still single?
Okay seriously, how do you play against Onryo now?
How is the onryo right now?
Why did you and your last ex break up?
Why do people stay in relationships they don't like?
Tips for someone dating YOU
What job do you have?
Do you actually like your life?
What is your first thought when you see this drawing?
How many compliments have your received this year and how many dates have y'all been on so far this year?
When you go to restaurants or fast food places, do you always get the same thing every time?
What’s a single sentence that could instantly make your ex furious?
People Truly Treat You Differently When You’re Unattractive
What instantly ruins a pizza?
What does this emoji (😪) mean?
Who here can honestly say they love themselves?
What should I title this self portrait? I'm on the right
What's the biggest "wtf?!" moment that you've had a on a first date?
From last year survey, 2 down, what people think is next?
How to let end a “relationship” after one date?
What's a physical trait you find attractive that other people may not?
Do you think frogs are introverts?