AITA for distancing myself from my best friend after she trusted a guy she met over me?
Do you guys believe Rory ever saw Luke as her father or a father figure?
I am not prepared for the math section of the SAT and I need advice
Wrong foundation shade!
General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | November 22, 2024
Struggling to download update file
i am afraid my suicide will fail
I'm slightly starting to accept that I am ugly
I am invisible, ugly, and a nobody
I want to cut my face
I have no friends
I’m so ugly makeup can’t save me
My looks might be the reason why I’ll die
It's not fair I wasn't born beautiful
Does anyone else just don't fit into their culture's beauty standards
How can I learn anatomy as a perfectionist?
Gemma Ward
Allison Harvard
How can I dye/bleach my already dyed hair?
i cant believe no guy will ever be attracted to me
How can I tone down over saturation and too much flash on face when it comes to skin colors that are on the warmer side?
I hate being reality checked
I am killing myself tonight.
Where do you get your looks from?