How did you emotionally cope up after a miscarriage
I am so fed up with doctors not listening to me. No one will prescribe progesterone or even do any investigating
Loss of appetite
Waiting to be 'sure'. What crock of ****
I’m so broken
The invisible grief of so many woman
What now? Tw: miscarriage.
Anyone here one and done after a miscarriage? Either by choice or not.
Scared that was my last chance.
Why are they prolonging my suffering?
I'm fucking desperate
Help me
Daily Chat - March 17, 2025
I don't know if i should accept my fate.
What’s the worst thing someone said to you after your miscarriage?
I'm stuck. TW miscarriage
I don’t think things could possibly get better for me now.
This grief is just impossible
Infertility Causing Me to be Suicidal
Someone help me. This grief is so raw
Non Trigger Comfort Show Suggestions?
does therapy really help?
i need help
I'm lonely
a friend comitted and i feel nothing?