H: glowing scorechbeast and raven mask and death claw mask W: glowing Bigfoot or Jackalope
Got a spare glowing blue devil mask from fas this year, and I want to bless someone else who hasn’t been lucky. Pick number between 1-500, ends 3 pm est
H:nothing W:any glowing mask
H: glowing scorchbeast W: glowing Bigfoot or rabbit
Fasnacht can suck my nuts for the 4th time.
H: Glowing Bigfoot + Glowing Pig W: Offers
Finally got my 1st ever glowing mask!!
H:nothing I’ve done this fasnatch event over 500 times nearly every year now I’ve done it and I’ve Afked and I’ve done every event when online and no glowing maskes I hate it W:glowing maskes any and idk what to trade for one
I need help please someone anyone
I hate this game
Happy Fasnacht! My collection is finally complete.
[Xb1] H: Mods and Plans W: apparel and/or leader offers
H: Mods and Plans W: apparel and/or leader offers
Demon Mask Giveaway! Choose a number from 1 to 500 (20 minutes)
In my room 1