Zen Internet addon for transparency doesn't seem to work for me.
Is transparency on arc default
Zen Mode Developers Should Add More Information!
Can we add a live chat channel for this sub?
Request to Make "Enable Compact Mode" a Direct Button
This windows graphic setting fix lag scrolling issue for me.
Is there a way to change the theme of the floating URL bar?
Browser stuck at low refresh rate
Original Profile not working as expected
Home Page is just a blank page.
Where I can find Zen configuration files on my Mac
Weekly Release of New Update (v1.9b) Discussion Thread | - March 08, 2025
Tab bars icons are not centered.
Initial connection to google while Zen startup (mac)
Split view with more than four tabs
How to not treat essentials like tabs
"Enhanced Tracking Protection" icon in URL bar
Damn i love Google Lens on Chrome. Any way to have it on Zen?
AI Chatbot in sidebar vanished
Why the edges of the window aren't transparent with Mica?
Memory usage.
Is this normal? Over 5 GB RAM Usage when idle, 2 Container with few active tabs
How do I get a search bar that spans across the top of the browser instead of staying in the sidebar?
Web Panel tabs never unloading?
How to make Zen look like FF/chrome?