Journey Together Build and Battle Deck: Snorlax deck list
Why does everyone and their mom want Pokemon cards right now
Scramble Switch bug
Just starting, but I'm struggling like crazy
AF wants to view my bank account tomorrow
My local GameStop ripped up every Blooming Waters box to "deter scalpers" - I was forced to buy a damaged product after waiting 2 hours. GameStop needs to stop this ASAP
What's the most delusional take your parents had? I need some laughs
I'll never have a significant other, thanks to my Asian Mom
List your top 3 baby names
Hi namenerds! I’m adopting this cat and need help brainstorming names!
Feminine/gender-neutral name ideas that go with an older sibling named Juniper
Help with boy names?
Name help for baby girl
POP QUIZ (girl name)
Middle names for Arrow
Update: Embark Results for Shiba
Waiting for Results! Would love to hear any ideas.
Is this normal to get pre-appointment?
Sibling names for Jude & Wren
Infinite Craft Binghe
Gen X Family hates Percy?
Went to the dog shelter today
How are you doing today?
How long did it take you to clean up the house, room they stayed in or their beds/blankets?
Second Thoughts on Euthanasia Appointment Tomorrow— QOL?