Animation Bug with the Hedge Broodmother
Invite codes
invite code!
Friend Code Thread!
Player Creation Placement
Item Idea: Research Incence
which is better?
My school did it.
Is it possible to disable a Pokémon from appearing as a puzzle icon during orders?
Looking for Miners, add friends here and share your friend links!
Finchie friends weekly thread
I was excited to introduce someone new to bdsm until...
Berry feeding crash.
Fellas, let them know
What is your favorite voice line? I’ll start:
Her poor kids
My mom who I've been NC with for 12 years texts her wordle to my email every day
My mom posting this BS today after almost dying from COVID-19 in 2022 because she wouldn't get vaxxed or wear a mask. She's still on home oxygen..
what does this orange thing mean?
My wife never finishes water bottles. Just always grabs a new one! Hours ago I just cleaned up a ton of her left over ones.
Idea: pins that have various country flags on them. Fairly cheap, like what club penguin used to have
Has any one seen This VR chat exterminatus?? I thought you guys might love it.
she's going to harvest my organs isn't she
Just got VR Chat today, I heard it won’t give you viruses (Because of the post I made), I’M SO HYPED!
it is not ok to be ok