Can I time travel to get back my villager who moved out?
The European public is much better than the American one, WWE should make all the bigger shows in Europe, the Americans don't deserve them
What Do You Guys Feel About Chelsea Green’s Title Reign So Far
How I feel after carrying a single apple to college...
Class of 3000 (2006-2008)
Best Gambino songs by Alphabetical Order (FINAL RESULTS!!!)
Gaming after 30
Day 25: Best Gambino song that starts with Y
What does Temu Roman Reigns even do?
Lillian Garcia is done with full time announcing for Smackdown after last night.
This 90nm RSX has the most recorded hours i've ever seen on any PS3.
Is my launch model PS3 objectively a ticking time bomb, or is there a chance my RSX isn’t defective and can last for years to come with good care?
Why did you get your Switch?
Finally set up my game room
Growing up, how did you refer to your friends' parents?
One outrageous investment that is actually the best.
I'm a 22 year old male that literally does nothing but sit at home all day. What should I do with my life?
My new fankied ps3
If I’m not guaranteed a job after college then why should I finish?
Anyone here in their 20s
Other than replacing the thermal paste and hard drive, what else can I do to have the best chance at longevity for my OG PS3?
Can anybody recommend me a good 1TB (or minimum 500GB) replacement hard drive that is readily available online?
Challenging myself to eat Canadian foods for 20 days straight. Day 6 is Hawaiian pizza!
Resistance Fall of Man is still one of my favorite PS3 Games and Shooters ever! It always felt to me like game ahead of its time.
Some shoppers locations are throwing games on huge clearance deals!