Mexican artist Chavis Mármol smashes a Tesla with a 9-ton Olmec head (just made the Tesla look even cooler)
Mexican artist Chavis Mármol smashes a Tesla with a 9-ton Olmec head
Something to make you smile!
Don't mind me, I've just been sobbing to this for 7 minutes.
How is the Muzz app still up and running well? (Haram + Openly sexist towards men)
Fellas, is it gay to enjoy your pancakes?
Fellas, is it gay to enjoy pancakes?
Muslim women projecting their own insecurities by belittling men for their height
Clearing things up
Why do misandrists say that misandry doesn't exist?
2 year anorexia recovery (OC)
Men being recorded and made fun of for going to cafes
Today Is International Women's Day!
This is disgusting
Wtf is this shit bro 💀
Non-Muslim Men Are Also Slowly Realizing The Delusions of Our "Strong, Free, Independent and Need No Man" Kween Muslimahs. A Post Nicely Written by Some Non-Muslim Guy, A Good Read.
"If men do suffer in silence than why do I keep hearing about it?"
The belly is not a trap?
The fact that he doesn't even address the costume in the video is hilarious
How are these ads allowed on YT shorts?
What's up with all the accounts on Instagram getting sold to OF girls?
One orange braincell survives 120 pound dog attack.
Pornhub made a 'shorts' feature