People who filter everything through politics are mentally captured.
Do you think people can be addicted to politics?
Does anyone know what type of tree this is? I live in Central Florida
Can anyone fix these photos for my dad. Will tip
Why do people love the military and hate cops?
How will you describe your life now in ONE word?
Sure, you can stop there.
What’s up with the metal flapping around during the SpaceX Starship Launch? Is this a concern? Im not sure but all the other subs wont allow this post for some reason.
A coworker sent me a video where it appears the SpaceX Starship has a piece of metal coming loose during take off. Is that going to cause any issues? Can that be fixed? The SpaceX Sub never responded.
Will this be an issue in the future or can this be repaired? I saw this the other day and was curious on what issues could arise from this?
For the people who are forgetful and those who have good memories.
Any digicams that can produce milky blacks like this?
This sub is unbearable
Why do so many people throw their cigarettes out the car window or just in the ground? Like are smokers that shitty of people?
Is there a link between sleep paralysis and NHI ….. ?
Is living in a house your parents own or bought considered living with your parents. They don't live there. They just paid for it.
Did white suburban Americans in the 40's-50's really go to each other's houses asking for a cup of sugar? Or is that just some myth someone made up?
When did tipping become an entitlement versus happy to get one?
Why do girls have neater handwriting?
Why does it seem weird to younger generations that people in their late 30s early 40’s enjoy things from when they were younger?
Does anyone know what this knife could be for? Found at an antique store labeled just as "knife"
I took this with a Fujifil instax camera a few years back. I always wondered what that translucent figure was to the left. It had always looked like a man looking at my friends? Do you see it?
Is electricity the most addictive thing on the planet?
That's how you create a villain... Nevermind
Is there a reason 40 year olds today seem to generally not look 40?