Still in the middle of The Way of Kings, but I made Dalinar Kholin in Hero Forge (Will add a link in a comment to anyone who wants him)
This one's been in the works for a while. My favourite Zane quote!
14% total in fees on a US business account?
Let’s see what fandoms we have here
Big Ol' Maze Map (60x60 squares, VTT 6000x6000, 100 gridsize) (Link to file in comment)
Just wanted to share this huge map I made
Moxxi and Ballentines: Pictures of the heads, please?
100 1st Edition Ballentine's x Moxxis Shift Codes for my fellow Vault Hunters - Merry Christmas (read first comment)
UI Question about display of draggable windows and their draggable components
First ever hate comment (from one of my fave authors lol)
Made my Barathu out of clay and put her in some nature
Ik ben lezen verleerd.
Bus etiquettes
Have there been many sightings of northern lights this september
In light of the news, I think I should ask the question we're all wondering as we wait for Borderlands 4
My Starfinder Barathu and a quick sketch of the whole group
What’s Everyone Working On?
Is there a way to disable hint/repeat dialogue?
In response to that post on the Dutch translation
I don't think is is allowed, is it?
How my wife eats kvikk (send help)
Made a new dice bag and I'm pretty happy with it