What would you do in this situation?
Summer concealed carry reccomendations
Finally got a 3 Dap
CC in formal-ish wear (pic for attention :D)
Can anyone recommend me a Subcompact? Can't always carry a Full size 92FS around
Is this a good price?
It's here! After 13 years ownership I finally got one. J-Spec taillights 🥲
First time buyer
What knives does everyone carry?
Found a VP9K, Holster recommendations?
Sometimes my desire to be different overrides my good sense
P365 w/ Surefire XSC Holester
Which one should I get for my situation?
Which One are you Milling for an RDS first? Sig P365 vs Hk VP9SK
Random P365 Magazine Baseplate
Tlr7 sub/tlr 7 x sub
Is this legit? /s
First time backpacking here's my gear so far.
3dap vs 2dap?
Which upper are you choosing?
Anyone else heard about NYSLECC?
she's pretty 😁
First HK and I love it
The zombies outbreak just happened you can only pick two what are you taking