Was Terry Jones the best man pretending to be a woman in the group?
How Do Technical Traders Account for Random Events
What types of TA do you guys use and how successfully are you with this?
What storyline do you wish you could have seen, or maybe explored more of?
gf got this plant, google reverse image search was no help
Wanted to do it since I was a kid
Too Blank of a Slate
Sand art in a bottle
What to plant in central Florida right now?
Who is your favorite detective duo?
Pomp: Trump deliberately crashed markets to get interest rates down
Found this near dumpster 3mo ago
Would you polyurethane a ceiling beam after staining?
With Dad making his own water slide?
Seems like the right place to ask this…
Why do YOU not like season 8
Samuel Clemens handled the 24th century pretty well
President Trump says that the money sent to help Ukraine defend against Russia is being wasted
Next support level for NDX?
Says Exotic Angel plant?
Rebranding Taxes as Innovation
Does anyone know what models these are?
Is this kind of technical analysis legit? From YT's "Spy Day Trading"
Dead Flower?
Should I take him seriously?