They are stealing my bananas! >:(
What name should i give to him?
Best Sonic character that starts with the letter: E
50% hot dog and 50% hamburger, 100% stupid.
Duo, don't gaslight me.
Found at 5 below
Timeline of Garfield
Is this a popular chess variant?
Starters and their first stab move.
Who is the biggest nicktoon bully? 😤🤕
Metronome is a hilarious move and I love it.
Anyone remember the hologram game Time Traveler?
How Can We Make Esperanto Go Viral?
March 25, 1941: Grin and Bear It
Which do you prefer and why: Go-Stop or Koi-Koi?
This dog was born in the wrong century ⚔️
This dog was born in the wrong century
I never had Big Red Soda until now. I hate it!
Could the Crystal Onix be considered a regional form?
he did NOT like the beach
After years of relying on online resources, I finally have my own Esperanto book
Oakland Coliseum will now be a cricket stadium
The Fat Elvis Dog
Crystaleon, The Rock Type Evolution Pokemon
God forbid a girl has secrets