My bestie needs me to sleep
I hate being adopted
What are Chinese opinion about 'pepception' that Chinese Companies steal Technology and IP from US and European Companies
Tibetan Chinese: What do you think about Tibetan exiles?
My first nh drama😭
How many Chinese were killed in the Nanjing massacre?
She’s cooked, isn’t she?
How many followers does the Chinese folk religion have in China?
What do you / your partner say to each other after sex?
What flavors do you think we will get? (post via PewPiece on Instagram)
I’m so confused
Do you think China will ever legalise same sex marriage? If so, when?
What do Chinese think of Canada?
Opinions on nipple piercings?
Do y’all hate America / Americans ?
Unemployed and broke boyfriend
What I wake up to every morning
Need help resigning my closet
Please name this plant! I purchased it at a supermarket, but it never had a tag saying what kind of plant it is.
new task event
Are there no homeless people in China?
I have two uvulas
Haircut Suggestions?