I really wish we could switch between Alma and him for our hunts
Ok i'll bite, I actually thought Shin Ultraman was gonna be a dark and griddy movie when it was firat announced, Thanks Shin Godzilla
Some rather disturbing implications have emerged from closer examination of the eyes of the Final Boss of MH Wilds that pretty much confirm what everyone suspected.
It can't possibly be good for their health to live there.
In MH Wilds, is there a way to keep the color scheme of the Low Rank version of an Armor Set for the High Rank version that is always recolored?
When does Capturing is preferred instead of Killing?
Easy Mode is now unlockable for the NFL
I am officially old but since when do videogames have a “give up” button
Monster Hunter is Satanic i guess
Thought this was funny
Cleansing frenzy mechanics
How has your experience been with Felyne Moxie vs Fatalis?
My current High Rank experience
Sorry Nata, you can't befriend the Vicious killing maching here.
Capcom Was on Its Knees After Resident Evil 6, Now Monster Hunter Wilds Cements Its Golden Era — Here's How It Did It - IGN
Did anyone else just ignore firing a dung pod and 1v3 the Hirabami?
Not gonna lie, I feel kinda bad for Mizutsune that is coming to MH Wilds soon, considering how damn powerful some of the builds we got so far. Dude is about to get cooked.
How my Palico and Seikret look like whenever Jin Dahaad start doing his Nova :
Here's that scene from F91 Woolie keeps talking about. Yeah wow, it's a little shocking...
It’s good that Gundam doesn’t shy away from showing the horrors of war
"In every universe and every lifetime, I will find you."
Rove doesn’t seem to learn from his past misadventures
Examples of Villains Immediately Giving Up When They See A Hero Out Of Their League?
Boss fights in games that go from calm to very hectic
Its been 1 week since the release of Monster Hunter Wilds so its time to ask : Why did Capcom remove the Head break for Rathalos and Rathian?