Problem with weekly quest?
Rate my team and I will rate yours
I m division three and cants get over 9 wins
Can you see the players?
Show ur current squad and div !
How do people go here?
11 icon picks so you don’t have to
Anybody that knows why I don’t get the points?
Any tips on how to learn time shooting
EA, I said give me VVD as a joke, im shaking.
My bro has spent 2000 dollars on fc
Which one looks best
Squad battles
gold mbaps or a pack?
What would you change?
Lvl 40 rewards, help me choosing 🥲
What’s your best pull this year? I’ll start:
Rate my Team and I will rate yours :)
What formation is best?
How’s the squad battles going for you?
out of a 83+x3 pack
Unbelievable! Never packed a player like this.