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what book left you hysterically sobbing?
OmniMan vs Kratos
What game do you jump into when you just need to kill 15-30 minutes of waiting time? And why that one?
What was the first game that made you realize videogames were capable of telling a captivating story and immerse you in its world?
What are your thoughts if ever Nancy Binay will run as Mayor and win in Makati?
17M after selling property
If you could forget everything about a game and play it again which one?
Opinion about mayor abby binay
I’m in a gaming slump and i cannot find somthing that keeps my interest
18 year old trying to become a millionaire before my 30s
Digital Nomad Visas in Europe. Anyone got any experience with them?
Looking for a very specific type of open world games
Names my 4 year-old son suggested for his baby brother
My Attention Span is killing me…
Why is it tracking achievements like this ?
36 looking to invest
My collection, 1 oz coins were gifts each Christmas from Grandma. Any of them worth more than $34?
For those who became pregnant but never married/stayed single, how has life been so far?
Planning to Build my first PC
This is probably the first coin I've seen where the face value is worth more than the silver. $20 1/4oz
is PC building really THAT easy?
Who was your favorite NPC to escort?
If You Could Choose Any Movie for a Sequel, What Would It Be?
Why o why Rx 6600 and not rtx4060