[OC] [Art] [Dead Suns - Spoiler] Captain Yimir Fiss at the Elven Statue on Castrovel
Xanesh 'The Banshee' - Dragonborn Blood Hunter [Art]
This Feels Bad? Right?
Is there a specific Pokemon that you collect? Other than the obvious Charizard, Pikachu, and eeveelutions
I find it weird that none of the men have body hair
Subreddit Poll: How Do We Want to Handle Advertisements for Paid Services?
Any Additional Deterrents for Attempt Thefts post-recall?
[US,US] [H] Chansey IR, 2 Trainer URs, InDeeDee V, Vintage Bulk, & 2024 Illustration Contest Unopen [W] Paypal, Trades
[US, US] [H] Discount eevee promos, promos, slabs, Paypal [W] Wishlist, Paypal
[US, US] [H] Base, Base 2, Jungle, Gym, Rocket Singles Paypal [W] Base, Base 2, Jungle, Gym, Rocket Singles or PayPal
Players discontinuing “Against the Aeon throne”-not sure how to handle consequences
Chromecast not working
Me seeing everyone get their Pokémon booster bundles and I'm still 0-1000 lol.
This is insane, right?
[US,US][H] Singles in Many Languages, PC ETBs, Slabs, Sealed ETB Promos [W] PayPal
Golarion and loss of flavor
Dev Update - March 2025
Does anybody collect a specific Pokémon too? Mine is Vaporeon 🐠
[US, WW] [H] Random SIR’s, FA’s, EX’s, Bulk holos, RHs, nonholos [W] PayPal, Trades
[US,US][H] IR, 151, CZ, and other lots [W] PayPal F&F, maybe trades
[US, US] [H] All levels- something for everybody [W] trades
[US,IL] [H] EVERY SCARLET AND VIOLET ERA PC ETB, Premium collection boxes, 151 JP bb, slabs, modern singles, loose packs and more! [W] PayPal, FiST
[US, US] [H] Paypal [W] Eeveelutions in other languages!