clairegibsie angst
Lizzie Young.
Releasing 10, the 6th book in the BOTs series out in May!
katie and lizzie snippet
Hughie and Claire
snippets :)
What is everyone's thoughts on Juliette's pregnancy in Watch Me???
patrick is the worst friend ever to gibs
Verbal and mental abuse
lizzie young
Today is Shannon’s birthday!!
"She shot me. She chose me to shoot."
i hate sadbhb.
What do you think Warner wants to talk with James about in the new snippet ?
Mark Lizzie
How dare she stand up for herself for once in her life….?
new snippet
fun fact :0
Poor Gibs☹️
Juliette is a cheater Mary Sue I can't stand her and her goofy purple latex suit
baby claire and liz🥹
Unjustified Aoife hate train?