Would you leave a fully remote job (38K) to relocate for a three-day in-office job (82K)?
Фалшиви ли са обявите за апартаменти в OLX?
Would you take and relocate for a hybrid job over a remote one for a 80% pay increase?
38K Fully Remote vs 82K Hybrid & Relocation
Real software developer salaries in Sofia
FM 2023 VS FM 2024 PS5?
Looking for friends to hangout/ride bike together
Which banking to choose in Bulgaria? DSK or Unicredit Bulbank
Dying because of starvation - Livonia
50% Humidity inside of AMS
Anyone else having connectivity problems on P1S?
Which AMS Desiccant Trays to use for Xiaomi Mi Humidity Monitor?
How i can respool this loose filament?
First printer, p1s or a1 mini while waiting for next p series?
Never seen as many jobs moved to eastern europe. Advice?
Help: unable to save the system because of disk space
Are 200 euros enough for 4 days in Istanbul?
Laptop + dual monitors cant get it work..