Advice Needed - Brand new Martin
The BB I've always wanted! Yamaha BBP34
Belated NBD - Fender Am Pro II Precision
What are these types of external pickups called that you can adhere to your soundboard on instruments where you would rather install something less invasive than an internal pickup?
What is the point of prayer if everything is pre-determined?
Why Gen Z is Converting to Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism with Redeemed Zoomer
Everyone’s a Theologian by Sproul
Adam Clayton Jazz - Comments?
Loneliness in the church
$300 Taylor 214ce but cracked top. Still a good deal?
Larravee snapped head update!
Unbelieving brother remarrying. How to respond?
My father did a cover of Buckets of Rain by Bob Dylan. Love to share it here.
Daily Prayer Thread - March 09, 2025
Irritating holes between p bass pickups and pickguard
Best and most efficient way to collect silage from bunker silos
How do you personally define what it means to be proficient at playing the bass?
Headstock tie + strap problem
Hot Take: Smoking cigars is unhealthy and the reformed tradition has introduced too many people to this bad habit
Guitar Sounds Bad after New Strings & Saddle
New guitar day!
Can anyone recommend a good electro-acoustic guitar for solo gigs for under £70?
Is $400 too much for a used seagull s6 guitar?
Other than lower back pain and I should probably start looking into life insurance — what does my bass say about me?