Which lore event caused most lose of life in wow.
Never tanked before...but
The fella who said too tech Rise to full height was cooking
Need to ruin people’s day
Shaman should have a lightning themed b-rez
What to build as AP vs Tanks/HP stack?
deck building
Best Tank class for Delves
Influence from streams/youtube
I'm a priest, I want to heal, is that too much to ask?
Why does the Haka being posted trigger so many Americans on reddit?
Duelist Advance - New Psychic Support
Easiest tank for a beginner?
Off specing on monk
Do you think called by should be banned?
How are you supposed to keep Tank Bran alive in delves now if you're a DPS spec that can't heal?
Losing matches a lot ( silver 3 )
If you are bored consider Genshin Impact
Now I get why everyone hates this deck. Their boss monster is cracked.
How to deal with derank?
Tank Brann has been substantially nerfed based on data and feedback in order to "encourage diversity in Brann's usage" including making him take 60% increased damage
Why the pineapple though?
BDK as dps for learning
Why so much hate on shadowlands?