To You From, Like, 2 Years Ago
cringevengers meets parks & recreation
Looking for an editor for Paradox Interactive grand strategy videos
I just finished the AOT manga. Can you give me a breakdown of the meta here ? I don't understand a word
I miss the glory days of r/titanfolk. It's almost like we're living in the ruins of an ancient empire now
Attack on Titanfolk Opening
If a land value tax is the “least worst tax” why is it not as common around the world as income tax, for example?
Attack on Titanfolk Ending — Akatsuki no Copium
mRNA cancer therapy now in human trials after shrinking mouse tumours
Jojo Part 9 Jojo Lands!
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for August 13, 2021.
Tips for breaking into France without invading Benelux
シツモンデー: Daily thread for your simple questions and comments that do not need their own thread (July 30, 2021)
Which male vocalist has the most “beautiful” voice?
Malaysia nowhere near being failed state, say analysts
9180 cases today
LDP, Komeito fail to get a majority in Tokyo Assembly election
9708/32 discussion
9708/32 Economics, how was it and what questions you chose for section B?
Variant 2 gang practicing ninjutsu at magnetic field question
Leaks Discussion Volume 34 Extra Pages
What do you guys think about landlords?
days of innocence
So this actually didn't mean anything at all -_-