Pulse fanstream on April 1st at 11:00am ET (next Tuesday)
Marvel Legends custom Invincible (kid omega/AF buck)
The Marvel Legends Daredevil is so unobtainable even the staff have resorted to getting the Mafex.
Just saw this. Is this true? I'm not surprised at all...
Do you think the lack of Daredevil figures from both comics and live action media is because of how poorly these figures preformed?
New Reveal: Daredevil from Born Again!
My pitch to fix the gamerverse wave that they just dropped.
Do you think we will se the ultimates this year?
Somehow these are supposed to be the same guy… but are on 3 totally different bodies…?
One of the reveals from today’s Marvel Legends fan stream was a color variant of Miles Morales Spider-Man upgraded suit, and he comes with fewer accessories than the past releases despite being completely reused.
I was hyped for the new Kingpin, until I wasn't. This is basically just a black suit comicbook Fisk, that bears no resemblance to the in-game model besides the suit color.
for those who are wondering about the size difference
I’ve been at this for about 2 hours. In peoples honest opinion, which character?
Unfortunately, the prophecy was true
Customisers, I need some opinions on paint options in looking at. Citadel or Vallejo paint?
UK Collector: Looking to buy a Shadow Collector Edition
Why is there not more Daredevil?
HEADSWAP: This may be a weird one but I’m working on a Spider-Sona custom at the moment an just wanted to see something
What do we think about this? If this turns out to be true, I honestly think it’s a pass from me personally.
My Grail, but so f**king hard to find.....
What’s your Mount Rushmore of figures you want to see released in the new Maximum line? Here’s mine
My reaction depending on the price
Just bring it back...
*Cries in UK*
So with Movie 3 having been out a few weeks… are the movie versions coming back?