[fluff] story #2
[Fan-Made] Death Angel Z-Onel Gijinka
my alter ego spent $10,000 on gacha [fluff]
[fluff] Random thought that I just realized, there's no spiders in battle cats, not even a single mention of them.
a true saint [fan-made]
[Fan-Made] i doodled lunacia
One of the worst units in the entire game acquired [Fluff]
[Fan-Made] the kasli dual
[Fluff] **NOISE WARNING** 1m hp Enemy Base vs the power of 1000 Suns
[Fluff] What is your biggest flex?
Almost half a year of only rolling on epicfest and still don't have dasli ...[fluff] you
[Fan-Made] bigger luna
[fluff] wild doge gameplay
kasli the happy [fan-made]
[fluff] ing beautiful
He has less HP than some random ahh half naked goth girl [fluff]
kasli practice! [fan-made]
He is the chosen one (R.I.P Akira, team carry since he joined the team) [fluff]
[Fluff] Labyrinth made see my units from a new perspective
Mark’s meme has spread into sperm donation advertising…
[fluff] The Labyrinth Experience
[Fan-Made] I've seen a lot of Dark Kasli but I rarely see any of Light Kasli. Can we give a moment of appreciation for her as well?
[Enemies] Literally what is Bun Bun, like what animal or thing is it.
I hate this [fluff]ing modpack bro😭