Our school library keeps getting these kids books with crappy AI art as donations
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
I’m not sure how to finish Mastery of Chrysler Firepower
RIP r/distractingtits
F*ck Google
school saving bonus for vet enrolment fees
maybe maybe maybe
Check out the grapes on him
My dog has been neutered
Japan is living in 2100
5000kg vs Cluster of Ships
Sleeping Toe Beans
Would you choose a Colorbond over a timber fence?
Neighbours cat gave birth to a litter earlier this year and asked if I wanted one! I said idk but I'll keep one for a few weeks... absolutely fell in love with this little guy but stuck on a name.. any ideas?
What happened to standards
I never had a flat tummy
How could someone reliably determine the speed of their car while driving without using the speedometer?
How can I reliably determine how fast I’m driving without using my speedometer?
very nice DIY project!
Why is this app so broken
Which podcast app should I use next? I’m over this app. Since the latest bug update, this app has become trash. Different errors each week.
Best way to track Body Pump workout on Apple Watch
Looking for alternative News Source: Is the Sydney Morning Herald worth subscribing too ?
Coles just lying now?
What is the story behind the Hexagonal appartments in Wembley and Bayswater?