Japan etiquette
Is this the perfect quest for weapon parts?
Max Verstappen on Instagram: "Working on something special."
Endgame loop for a new player - what should I be doing?
Şu Uberkuloz Pi*i Hakkında
Chpye rağmen chp için mücadele
So.... The Taken built their own leader, huh?
Are people really buying so much stuff in Japan to bring back?
How come there's so much negativity towards Shibuya and Shinjuku on this sub?
2025 Australian Grand Prix - Post-Race Discussion
Bunları nereye şikayet edebilirim?
My experience as a total beginner
Neden bir anda çok fazla sanatçı Türkiye'ye gelmeye başladı?
So why did the Darkness accept the Awoken's decree of neutrality?
So what's going on?
33 European defense companies which are in the world's top 100 list by their defence revenue
Son Zamanlarda artan EU desteği ve "Avrupa Ordusu'nda Türkiye" Fikri hakkında
Has anyone stayed in any of these hotels?
The Dread, Part 2 - Girl Talk and Silent Torment
Do you eat breakfast at the hotel or have a combi breakfast in the go?
How does the Lockset encounter actually work?
Will the traveler ever return to the last city?
/jj Saying the destiny playerbase has ligma is awesome
Ekrem İmamoğlu'na diplomasının sahte olduğu iddiasıyla "resmi belgede sahtecilik" soruşturması başlatıldı
The Nine collectables from seasonal challenges