Hot Take: Cereal should be eaten with a fork.
People who scream when they get scared, Why????
First time playing what should I expect?
What’s the coolest feature in any game you have played?
Lack of forgiveness is killing communication.
cereal should be microwaved
A guy appeared in the corner of my screen???????
Write the character you think is the coolest in Regular Show.
How do you guys feel about Erron Black?
Black Mirror: Season 7 | Official Trailer | Netflix
Reddit's Hate Boner for Religion
Idk how to explain this but did Shawn always do the right thing?
Men with thick butts are hot
Two of the funniest deaths
The fact that Rigby wanted to eat 12 eggs all for a hat even though he's allergic makes me laugh. He has no survival instinct
Men in Love Are Just Too Precious
Regular show villains tournament day 3
Is it normal to stop caring about grades in high school
For some reason the only way i can charge my controller is if i rotate it 45 degrees
Who would win in a serious fight?
The worlds obsessions with big butts kinda irks me.
Poster for season 7 of "Black Mirror"
Which Abby do you prefer?
Who is your favorite character of injustice 2?
Best Examples of Bringing an Audience Up to Speed in a Movie