Round 4! JENOVA wins by a comfortable, yet close lead over Battle on the Big Bridge! Now for best 'Opening OST'. This would be typically the first OST that plays in the game, OUTSIDE of menus, usually during the opening cinematic / sequence
Favorite girl character that’s over 6ft/182cm tall?
(Daily Post) Favorite character that would be a pure Grass type?
What would your second choice for your house be?
I think this author is actually badass, but I couldn’t resist posting this here.
My kit arrived today….
#27 The Exposed has been eliminated.Which is next?
The Truman Show wins Man vs Reality. Lastly, what movie is Man vs Author?
Is it weird that I really like the Shadow card?
(Daily Post) Favorite character that would be a Grass type with elements of the Normal type?
Whoever was responsible for the Italian cover of The Predator probably did not have high regard for Marco... 🦍
Has your country ever been communist?
#51 The Absolute has been eliminated.Which is next?
What's your favorite Finnish song?
Perfect ending of a movie for you??
What’s a movie that everyone seems to like but you just aren’t impressed.
(Daily Post) Favorite character that would be a Normal type with elements of the Stellar type?
Round 3! Aerith's Theme beats out 2nd place Terra's Theme by nearly 100 upvotes (also, I added a podium). Now, what is the best boss fight theme EXCLUDING the final boss? Had to separate them from final boss OST as they would likely sweep.
I am drinking iced coffee. No my name is not Drinking Iced Coffee
Well, I would have appreciated a nuclear power plant turned into Aunt Beulah's Bordello.
[SPOILERS S3]Does this represent how the entire show is based on reproduction?
Dilf favorite characters?
#38 The Arrival has been eliminated.Which is next?
"Now, to the plant! We'll take the Spruce Moose! Hop in!" "But, sir--" "I said hop in."