it's my birthday today!
Slooooow Rapidgator speeds
The Last of Us 2 - PS5 Upgrade issue :(
Last of Us 2 - Upgrade issue :(
Anyway to read nand? (Corona trace fixed)
Fixed a corona 4gb I thought was toast
Help! RGH chip to RGH3 conversion issue.
How to make a retail nand from a rgh’d nand?
Blown caps - replacement??
Finally bit the bullet and picked it up, should I have any hope for a good experience or should I really expect to be disappointed?
Metal Gear Solid V is a bloody masterpiece.
Does the working time directive apply to students on placement? (Scotland)
Life is strange remastered not series X|S enhanced?!?
Not optimised for series X|S??
DS218+ What RAM?
okay enough sexual and woman based questions. what's your favorite Band?
[Serious] What is the worst thing you have seen on the internet?
Who is the ultimate triple threat of Singer, Songwriter and Guitar player?
TIFU by accidentally swearing at a customer
[FS][UK] Canada goose Chilliwack and TopGoosey Huron Hoody, Gucci Polo and Dsquared Jeans
Finally built up the courage to join. Please verify me
Guy slaps pizza in someone's face and hurled insults at him. Gets knocked out in return
My neighbours saw me take this, i hope they don’t mind little boobs!🙈 (19)
We can aw agree it’s chappy.