TikTok is down worldwide, not even the website loads in any country
TikTok is broken worldwide (Screenshot from Tor Browser)
Reddit doesn't care about kiddie porn
Reddit page is shaking while scrolling
Some Galaxy A and M series phones (including A50) have a mysterious auto restart issue
What’s a fun fact about yourself that you would never say publicly?
Easy 15 Social Credit Points! Can you tell which of these flags is of a real place?
What can you say during sex, but also at a family dinner?
What can you say in. the bedroom…or while washing the dishes ?
it says my phone number is invalid
bot moment
Rythm shutdown Megathread
Discord "something's going on Here" Please help
API Access blocked?
They killed Groovy, now they got Rythm
What is something very expensive in your country but cheaper in rest of the world?
What is the last thing that you did that made you happy?
What do you want to say to your mom right now?
What’s a food you’re not allergic to but find disgusting?
What could you genuinely not live without ?
That's why you shouldn't pirate
Announcing - the first annual /r/movies Oscars Predictions Tournament!
I get to go to a trip to Legoland, but where is my special trip pass and what's all these inside?