MuteAce says Samsora Has Been Looking to Get His Ban Appealed
Hello everybody, i will ask this question in both this and the celeste subreddit, in your opinion what is harder to 100% (achivements)
Can anyone explain? Grey Prince Zote Invisible hitbox / delayed hitbox bug glitch
Genesis X2 Ultimate Singles - Losers Top 24 - FaZe | Sparg0 vs. Zomba
Genesis X2 Ultimate Singles - Losers Semis - RC | Shuton vs. Zomba
Genesis X2 | Feb 14th — 16th | Feat. Zain, Cody, Jmook, Moky, Aklo, Hungrybox, Plup, aMSa, Sparg0, Acola, Miya, Sonix, Hurt, Light, Shuton, Tweek and many many more!
Can we consider also banning links?
Daily Discussion Thread 01/21/2025
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at The Reaper Invitational!
The Reaper Invitational - Act 2 Match - FC | Mr. E vs. Ouch!?
第55回スマバトSP / SumabatoSP 55 | Jan 19th | Feat. Miya, Hurt, Doramigi, Raru, Asimo, Snow, Raki, Rarikkusu, Yoshidora, Lv.1, Navy, Umeki, Neo, Fui, Ryuoh, Toriguri, Quidd, Pharoah and many many more!
First fire emblem game with engage, which difficulty to choose?
Drew A Picasso Instrumental with backing vocals
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Diamond Dust!
GENESIS X Ultimate Singles - Winners Top 256 - Cosmos vs. Wildz
LumiRank 2023: The Top 10 Smash Ultimate Players in the World (Video Premiere)
Umebura SP 10 Ultimate Singles - Losers Top 24 - Zomba vs. Cosmos
UmeburaSP#10 | January 6th-8th | Feat. Acola, Miya, Glutonny, Yoshidora, Zomba, Tea, zackray, Asimo, Shuton, Kameme, Yaura, Ken, Kaninabe, Hero, Apollokage, DIO, and many many more!
Daily Discussion Thread 12/31/23
Muteace Tier List for 2023 (ordered)
Sonix's "execution based" Sonic MU Chart
Why do many people dislike Fell Xenologue?
Daily Discussion Thread 12/10/23
[Tweek Talks] Episode 127 - Port Priority 8 (ft. Marss)