Eiko and Mymy, by 1azy
Bro Wtf?
Mymy message
Tell me we didnt cook
mayo & curry
Maya: I am ongezellig
Why does Maya use the English abbreviation of ADD? Is that sort of thing common in Dutch?
Maya Peter
Is this dutch enough?
Ongezellig edit
New "Massa" illustraties
Do you wish Mayamail was canon?
What FNF song is this?
I fixed the hair (credit to LidlyArts)
anotha one
if she is correct about this then it makes sense for massa to not like the international fans dont u think ?
Which one is most likely to be gay?
LidlyArts (who previously worked with Massa on the Maya's Conversation comic) is working on a new Ongezellig comic series. We are so back
Does anyone know if Ongezellig was animated using a skeleton/rig system, or frame by frame?
can we have more user flairs?
You ever just lay back and think, "where would I be if Ongezellig never existed?"
finished remaster :p