When did you start to really notice aging?
Most beautifully illustrated children’s picture book you loved as a child?
Pick your favourite look 💕
What did yall call fend for yourself nights?
SOS I have no idea what to wear to my friend’s barn outdoor bridal shower. Which one looks best?
Which one of these for an outdoor bridal shower?
Need help picking interview outfit
Anyone walk around where you live and smoke cigarette butts because you cant resist while trying to quit?
What struggle meal did you hate growing up?
What slang phrases are middle schoolers using these days?
Name 3 books you really enjoyed, and someone else will recommend a book they think you might like based on those
Best *band* starting with letter G?
American hunting influencer removes baby wombat from distressed mother. Is this legal?
What was your first concert?
What do you think I should watch on Netflix that I will binge watch in a day, in one sitting? Something which will get your heart pumping; please suggest
Help me find my next series? something not on this list!
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
Gandalf defying time - Inner portion of full sleeve tattoo done by Ibarra Fuertes from Ozamiz, Philippines
What’s a uniquely Australian insult that foreigners might not understand
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
The night sky has flipped, how many days until you notice you're seeing the wrong stars? $1b if it's under 10 days.
What do you love in life?
Need bingable series that will HOOK me
Married at first sight - S12E21 - AEDT live discussion
Recommend me something based on my top 22. Any genre is welcome.