What is you best Girl Scout leader life hack?
Cville Snow Street Parking Etiquette?
Friends for my 17 year old autistic son
Wedding Officiant
weird request: in dire need of candy canes
How are the roads?
Adult neurodivergent hangouts/groups?
"Girl Scouts do more than arts and crafts!"
Do you know everything as a candle maker?
Thanksgiving Dinner
Labels Are Expensive...
How much student loan debt do you have left?
Trying to recreate a candle!
Golden brands wax
Bagel Scent
reviews on TheCandleMakersStore.com
Best piercing and tattoo places?
Virginia certifies John McGuire's primary victory over Rep. Bob Good, who says he'll seek a recount
The Wonderful World of Miniature Horses
How much fragrance oil per candle?
What do summer camps cost in your council?
Candle pricing. Cost of supplies, or cost to make?
Leaders, how often do you wear your vests
Leaders, are any of you childless or are you all parents?