requsting r/WindowsHacking.
Cheapest way to get windows 11 key , safe way
Is 9xkey legit for cheap windows keys?
How’d I do?
What do you think of my setup?
R/investinq is looking for mods
Accidentaly made my PC Case look better?
How long does your pc take to boot?
I made a mask. Hope you like it. Or not.
I finally made the plunge today. Goodbye Chrome.
Just started experimenting with art and some stencilling
Does anyone know what this sign means?
Had my PS5 for almost a year and I'm already on my 3rd controller because of stick drift
What's something about daily life in America that outsiders might not realize?
Should I use 2 individual pcie cables?
Need help to identify this gpu
Worth a trade for a ps5?
Rate my setup
Which USB port to plug mouse into?
Any love for open test bench builds?
r/world and r/newsletter
Is this a safe way to ship a fully built PC?
Went to buy Macbook but bought this
My internet on Windows is significantly worse than on MacOs
Black screen + Boot Issues