My senior cat..
Hello mortals
How do I fix this?
ḀqṳḀ ṁḀḊḕ ṠḉṏṙṖḭṏ
then VS now: callisto edition
Old hookup attempted a threesome between me and my blood sister.
Combed my hair out for the week, then brought the waves back.
Low taper turned into this… just don’t know how high to go on the taper at time and my fading is horrible lol any tips?
My smart girl.
What would I tell the barber?
I think they sent me the wrong model. Mine seems
Whoever they hear treats 😄
We got any cowboys fans 🤠🔵⚪️
Which one should I get ?
Two types of Cowboys fans right now
when will my kitty get his spots?!?
I could this picture of a Bengal mid meow
The truth that the wave community needs to accept
lets see what hype about
I really want to grow my beard out but not sure if I have the genetics for it any advice?
Why I can’t work from home 🏡
Sneaky Sundays ☀️
Kali-ma is everything I hoped for and more. Hates being picked up. How can I help her get more comfortable with that?
Is she a Snow Sepia or Charcoal Snow?