Great Unclean Ones are the best, not the worst!!!
How many heroes do you typically embed in your army?
Do flanking debuffs stack?
Games that don’t involve killing/being killed
Bought a new pc recently
What are those?
How often does the game go on sale?
Questions Thread - February 28, 2025
I felt so mortified
Newbie here, what are the so called (following a guide/build)?
Questions Thread - February 26, 2025
There should be a (charge bonus) indicator on the status window of units on the battlefield, also on the unit card.
Unpopular Opinion: Enlisted is a pretty good game
How much movement range to sack a settlement and then occupy it at the same turn?
Playing on Hard/Hard difficulty. Did i make the wrong decision of going east as Kugath? I cant progress.
What campaign difficulty does the anti-player bias kicks in?
Is anybody else just not… good?
Is there even a reason to recruit soul grinders over bloodthirsters?
Artillery useless in defensive sieges? How to make it work?
Tips on utilizing siege towers properly?
We all know that RDR2 is one of the best games in history, but now I want you to say the bad things it has
Planning to buy omens of destruction: Gorbad. When is it better to use stone trolls over mangler squigs and vise versa?
How do you guys do sieges as a melee-heavy faction?
If vassal refuses to join war, will they still be attacked once my enemy is near their settlement or armies?
Want to begin playing Vampire Counts, which Lord for first playthrough?